Saturday, June 30, 2007

Attack of the Ladybugs

Sometimes it's fun to be part of the day club. While you aren't making any money, you can go and do whatever you like, no one has control over you and there is no requirement that you have to be somewhere at a given time. Such was the case when two of my friends and myself decided to go hiking in the Sugarloaf Mountain area.

It was a beautiful fall day. The leaves were just starting to change colors, yet the day was still warm. We parked the car at the base of the mountain and began our hike. Unfortunately, mountains on the east coast are about as tall as a two story house, and thus, we were to the top of said, "mountain" five minutes after beginning the hike. However, there were several trails weaving in and out of each other across the forest, we chose one and were off.

After wandering around for about an hour, we came to an overlook where we could see the valley beneath us. What a scene it was! Partly because of the beauty, and partly because of our growling stomachs, we decided to eat the lunches that we had brought along. We sat down on top of an outcropping of white rocks, looking out at the beauty around us. It was then that we noticed a large swarm of bugs flying just past where we were sitting. At first, we were a bit confused as to what they were...but before long, we were actually covered in ladybugs. My friend was sitting there minding her own business, eating her lunch and then all of sudden we could count over one hundred lady bugs crawling up and down her clothes. I had never seen so many ladybugs in one place.

Soon, I too was covered in ladybugs, crawling here and there. It was about that time that my phone rang. Some friends were coming over for dinner that night and they were calling to confirm the time. Apparently, the ladybugs didn't like my moving around or talking on the phone because about halfway through the conversation I felt a sharp pain on my neck...

"Ow! A ladybug just bit me!!"

There was a slight pause on the other end of the line, and then, "I think that's the woosiest thing I have ever heard."

Ladybugs: 1
Me: 0

1 comment:

Holli Raymond said...

I am going to have to agree with your friend...that is the woosiest thing that I have ever heard. But extremely funny!!!