Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall 2008

So where was I this last Monday to take such wonderful fall pictures? Maybe I was in Maine? New Hampshire? Vermont? Nope, the middle of northwest DC. In fact these pictures were taken just 5 miles from the White House. One of the things that I love about DC is the parkways that we have, particularly the Rock Creek Parkway and Rock Creek Park (where these pictures were taken; and coincidentally made famous nationwide when Chandra Levy's body was found in the park). You can be right in the middle of the city and you feel like you are miles away from civilization. What's even better is that my two favorite parkways are the Rock Creek Parkway and the George Washington Parkway...and from where I live the two fastest ways to get to the DC temple is by using one of those two parkways.


Unknown said...

Ooooh pretty! Nice pictures!

Judy said...

Those pictures are beautiful.

Millicent said...

Sigh...Don't we live in a beautiful place?